Ranking Video Games

Just a lil’ nostalgia, looking through some old screenshots and figured I should rank my favorite childhood video games.

1. MW2

The splitscreen quickscoping battles on Rust may be the most fun I’ve ever had with a controller in my hands, as well as getting a Nuke with an overpowered SCAR. Top spot and it isn’t even close, this game was just absolutely amazing in every way. MW2

2. Battlefront 2 (OG)

The MW2 before MW2, with a Star Wars theme to boot. Instant action with such amazing maps, galactic conquest, an awesome campaign for its day and of course snow speeders on Hoth - nothing like sniping the entire batallion from on top of the enemy AT-AT. Battlefront 2

3. Madden 03

The GOAT madden game, who could forget the Mummies. Peyton Manning hail mary to Marvin Harrision was basically a cheat code. Still boot this one up in an emulator from time to time. Madden 03 1 Madden 03 2

4. Pokemon Emerald

Yes, I know most people don’t rank Emerald very high in the Pokemon saga, but it is what I grew up with, and I loved it. Raquaza is just too much overpowered fun. Emerald 1 Emerald 2

5. Black Ops 2

Easily the most balanced Call of Duty multiplayer ever. First one I maxed out 10th prestige, and I loved every second of it. It was comparatively hard to rage, and getting Diamond camos for every single gun was a worthwhile excursion. I didn’t play much zombies, although I did complete Little Lost Girl because it is easily the best Easter Egg IMO. Black Ops 2

6. Pokemon Diamond

What can I say, too many good memories playing this on long road trips not to include it. It felt never ending with all the extra stuff after the Elite Four. Diamond

7. Black Ops 3

This COD comes into play exclusively for one reason: Custom Zombies. You really outdid yourself here Treyarch, giving the community a toolkit to make custom maps. I never dreamnt I could quickscope zombies on Rust but there it is along with thousands of other amazing community maps. Black Ops 3

8. FIFA 12

Playing the game itself was fairly rage inducing, although the bets made won’t be forgotten anytime soon. The real reason this makes the list is for the marketplace in Ultimate Team. Not sure what made me love building up coins and buying players, but learning that market was addictive and pushed me toward learning the actual stock market. I remember cornering the market on certain formation cards and making absolute bank doing it: buy low, sell high. Fifa 12

9. Far Cry 3

The greatest sandbox game I’ve ever played, the story was alright but exploring the massive and beautiful islands while planning out how to clear out outposts was just fantastic. I’d wingsuit into the dying sunset to replay this beauty. Far Cry 3

10. Burnout Paradise

Arcade racer of the century, enough with the competition, I’m here to takedown cars and burnout baby. The world was absolutely massive and the variety in the gameplay as well as exploration leaves me wishing they would remaster this classic. Burnout 1 Burnout 2