Project Status: 100%
I have a mildly strong obsession with efficieny and at some point my love for linux took me to the “ricing”, a term meaning making beautiful, fast, and simple Desktop environments. Below are a few of my favorite rices, most of which include the following:
- operating system: arch
- window manager: i3 w/ gaps
- bar: polybar
- notifications: dunst
- launcher: rofi
- compositor: compton
- terminal: termite
- cli file manager: ranger
- file manager: nautilius
- icons: plane dark
- theme: arc dark
- font: century gothic + font awesome
- wallpaper: feh
- broswer: chrome
- editor: viusual studio code
- shell: zsh w/ oh-my-zsh
- mail client: mailspring
- irc: weechat